Tip Me Tuesday: Halloween Edition
Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! Thank you so much for joining us in today's Tip Me Tuesday edition, where I share recent color combinations done with TGF images. For today's TMT segment I thought I'd rewind it back a bit for some good old fashioned scary movie fun. I inked up Trick or Treat 3 for today's Halloween inspired card:
My family and I were browsing through scary October movies to watch and some of the old school classics came up. I thought why not try and do this on a card? I inked up my Trick or Treat 3 set, and grabbed a handful of grey Copics to play around with: N1, N2, N4, N5 and a colorless blender. 
Once they were all colored up, I decided to put them on the tube (actual name for a television for all the sweet millenials out there) on an old console tv. I think this was the most fun that I've had in a while trying to mimic an object! It definitely brought back memories of my childhood. :)
You can find Trick Or Treat 3 in the shop along with the other new stamps added to the TGF family. Have a great rest of your week, and Happy Halloween to you!


Brian Poteraj

Brian Poteraj said:

We used to have a big console tv when I was a kid. It had a record player, radio, and a color tv. It was quite elegant. Funny, no one calls them color tvs anymore because they are all color. But back in the dark ages when I was little, some people had black and white tvs, and then when I was really little there were only black and white shows. Anyway, I like your color scheme. And I like your little story. Great job.

Lisa Salas

Lisa Salas said:

So cute…love, love, love it!!!

Theresa Grdina

Theresa Grdina said:

This card is SOOO cute!!! LOVE this!! VERY creative.

Tracy Chaska

Tracy Chaska said:

This card is so inventive! What a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.😉

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